Sunday, September 30, 2012

Quizzes are Graded!

Students should be receiving their Observation/Measurement Quizzes on Monday, if they didn't already get them on Friday!  For the most part they looked great!  However, my policy is to have the quiz signed and returned the following class if you received below an 80%.

Please check in with your child to find out how they did by tomorrow evening.

Next Unit?  Force and Motion....which also means the Egg Drop!  That's right, get excited:)

Monday, September 24, 2012

First Unit Quiz

This Wednesday (Blue classes) and Thursday (Orange classes) we will be taking our first Unit Quiz.  The quiz will cover everything in our interactive notebooks to date. Students received a Study Review Guide in class (Mon/Tues) and will be able to use this sheet along with a Metric Practice Worksheet and their Interactive Notebooks to study.

Major Concepts:

  • How to make detailed observations
  • Qualitative vs. Quantitative Observations
  • Metric Measurements and Conversions
  • Inferences vs. Observations
*Students do not need to study spider information for this quiz. 


Friday, September 21, 2012

Inference HW

After doing a couple of fun activities to introduce inferences like the "cheese candle" and "mystery box", we practiced making inferences by checking out some cool pictures from National Geographic.  Parents- be sure to ask about the candle activity....I think everyone love this one!

Your homework is to finish up the Observation/Inference worksheet.  It is worth 12 points.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Spider Rubric

Just in case you are struggling to finish up your lab:)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Spider Lab Due class Spider Labs need to be complete.  If the work was not finished in class, please finish it for homework.  Blue classes should turn in their journals this Thursday, Orange classes on Friday. 

Just in case you are missing the instructions for the story:

Spider Story
Choose ONE of the following options.  Your story must be at least one full page long.
1.    What I learned about spiders?  (1 paragraph about your spider, 1 paragraph about your web, 1 paragraph comparing your “spider memory” page to what you now know about spiders)
2.    Creative story about a spider and its web.
3.    Song or poem about a spider and its web. 

Make sure your journal is NEAT and colorful!  

Monday, September 10, 2012

Spiders, Spiders Everywhere!

We began our spider lab today and will be continuing the search throughout the week.  We searched the perimeter of the soccer fields for spiders big and small.  After finding a web and a spider, students made at least 10 qualitative and 10 quantitative observations about each.  Then they completed detailed, colored, and labeled illustrations of their finds! To wrap it all up (no pun intended!) we will be writing creative stories, poems and/or songs about our spiders and their webs.

Take a few minutes this week to look around your house and yard for orb webs, funnel webs, sheet webs and tangle webs AS WELL AS garden spiders, funnel weavers, marbled orb weavers, and arrowhead micrathenas!!

Making observations

Black and Yellow Argiope (Garden Spider)

Taking notes


Welcome to Mrs. Stokes's science blog!  You will be able to keep up with what we are doing in class, check for homework assignments, and get email updates all in one place.  Please add this blog address to your bookmarks or register to follow by email so that you can keep up with all of the fun things that we do in class! 

Just for fun here's a snap shot from last weekend at the Women's 4-miler with my husband and Mrs. Critzer! 
Mrs. Stokes, Mr. Stokes, Mrs. Critzer at the Women's 4-miler